Modular construction expanding into major cities

If anything could revolutionize building practices, reduce the housing crisis, make new homes more affordable, and alleviate the construction labor shortage, modular construction might be the solution. 

Also known as offsite construction, it’s the building and manufacturing parts of a home or facility in a controlled factory setting. This process enhances overall efficiencies by using the same materials and designs to create multiple versions of the same building section. Essentially, it streamlines the building process by manufacturing “modules,” which are then shipped to and assembled at the job site. 

This type of construction is gaining traction all across the country, but it’s becoming a standard practice in certain cities and regions. Here are the top cities leading the way in modular construction….

New York City

As our nation’s largest and most densely packed metro area, New York City and the surrounding area have numerous housing challenges. City leaders have created a comprehensive plan to address these challenges and create more housing. One strategy they want to implement is modular housing. 

New York City has launched a modular construction initiative in the “Build It Back” program. The goal is to construct nearly 100 single-family modular homes, which, they believe, will bring a per-home cost savings of roughly 25%. Carmel Place, New York’s first micro-unit apartment building, opened in 2016 and includes 55 micro units. 

Los Angeles

On the other side of the country, the City of Angels has its housing issues. Los Angeles has dealt with skyrocketing homelessness; estimates are reaching over 66,000 homeless individuals in the area. 

L.A. recently completed the Hilda L. Solis Care First Village, a container-based supportive housing development with 232 beds. This modular-based facility should help alleviate homelessness throughout the area while allowing people to stay in safe, comfortable shelters. 


The Windy City provides an example of how regulations and building standards while serving an important purpose, can hamper modular construction and narrow its benefits. It also shows how removing outdated barriers to modular construction creates a path to faster, more affordable housing in a housing-tight market. 

Chicago has attempted to increase modular homes by removing legal and regulatory barriers. However, state laws are still in effect. The Modular Building Institute cites a recent project involving three-unit apartment buildings. These buildings met the city standards, but when Illinois standards were applied, the per-unit cost rose by as much as $10,000. There is now an effort to remove these state barriers, which will help Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, become a leader in modular construction. 

Salt Lake City

The capital of Utah has become one of the fastest-growing cities in America. This growth brings certain challenges, including housing availability and affordability. According to Redfin, a major real estate listing and information website, the median sale price for a Salt Lake City home in 2020 was below $400,000. The price has gone through ups and downs, but the latest data has the median sale price at nearly $600,000. 42.9% of all homes are sold above the list price. 

This pricing escalation has squeezed the average buyer, but modular homes could provide a solution. However, like most cities, there are regulatory restrictions. Essentially, all new construction must be inspected in Salt Lake City, but modular buildings are built, in large part, at out-of-state facilities. The city has now created a modular program that allows third-party agencies to conduct inspections on the city’s behalf. This will remove a significant barrier and, hopefully, result in more modular buildings throughout the city. 


Not all modular construction includes homes and apartments. Some of the buildings are office or commercial spaces; the hospitality industry has benefited from modular. The Seattle South Lake Union Hotel is a fine example. This unique hotel, which won an award for Modular Building Design from the Modular Building Institute, comprises two traditional (on-site) stories and six levels of guest rooms made from modules. It is a cost-effective building, praised for architectural beauty, innovation, and sustainability.

Seattle has also seen the addition of a 112-unit apartment facility made from panels with pre-installed heating, electrical, and plumbing equipment. All of these panels were built at an in-state facility. 

Twin Cities, Minnesota

Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the surrounding suburbs are also highlighted by rising housing costs and reduced real estate inventory. Like many other areas, they are also dealing with homelessness, which is impacted by the real estate market. Modular construction has been adopted in some areas to address these concerns.

NBA player and North Minneapolis native Devean George has helped remake one corner of the Twin Cities metro area by supporting modular construction, which he believes will ease the housing crisis. Modular construction is especially useful in Minnesota, where long winters limit the building season. Offsite construction also brings predictability, speed, and year-round fabrication, which are crucial in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. 


Modular construction is not just a trend in the U.S. Across the Canadian border, cities like Toronto are adopting these techniques to increase housing costs and reduce homelessness. Toronto is awarding multiple contracts to build modular facilities, giving builders access to standardized products that are easier for governments to plan long-term.

To increase speed, the city’s first modular project was based on a previous design, which streamlined cost and made construction more affordable. 

Making your modular construction more efficient and profitable

At Elevated, we’ve been helping modular construction companies for more than ten years get the right tools, industrial supplies, appliances, PTACs and HVACs, and more. We’ll have ideas for your company on how to speed up the process, save money, and meet tight deadlines.

Top challenges facing the metal fabrication industry

The metal fabrication industry is going through numerous changes quickly. Technology is evolving, customer demands are changing, and new materials are being requested. At the same time, there is a lack of skilled workers and fewer raw materials available.

The obstacles are seemingly infinite, but this is a resilient industry. To help prepare for the future, here are the main challenges facing the metal fabrication industry…

Rising costs

Although the issue of rising costs is universal, inflation is having a significant impact on this industry. As consumers know, the cost of raw materials is increasing. In the fourth quarter of 2015, for instance, the price of iron ore was about $48 per ton. It rose to more than $87 in 2019. In 2021 it skyrocketed to nearly $200! The price is down from that high mark, thanks to inflation reduction measures, but is still more than $100.

Demand for customization


Consumers are demanding faster delivery speeds for their metal products and expect complete customization. A successful metal manufacturer strives to meet these demands, no matter how difficult. These customizations and specializations require estimates and quotes. Not only is the product more expensive already with these customizations, but added labor (including the estimates themselves) adds to the cost.

Customization also creates an issue for inventory. In an attempt to leverage lower prices, a shop may purchase a bulk supply of materials. These materials may be useless if a customer demands customized metal products.

Dealing with customization and finding that balance between efficiency and customization demands can be a major issue for metal fabricators.

Limited supply

The pandemic created a significant barrier in the supply chain, which metal fabricators (and manufacturers of all types) are still recovering from. But it’s not just the pandemic, which (as of this writing) started over four years ago; it’s also issues with transportation labor and staff shortages.

There is also a lack of machinery, as machine manufacturers and assembly lines are struggling to create output. Used machinery has become increasingly popular, although this creates obvious concerns for manufacturers who can’t afford a shutdown.

Meeting sustainability expectations

According to McKinsey & Company, “the steel industry is among the three biggest producers of carbon dioxide.” With steel produced in a relatively small number of select locations, it’s a prime candidate for decarbonization. There is demand from both governments and consumers for carbon-friendly metal products, but reducing the overall footprint is not easy.

“Green metal” is mostly achieved by using renewable energy in the manufacturing process. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric power can all make metal fabrication less impactful on the environment, but implementing these changes has a cost. Metal fabricators must weigh the benefits, including the potential for higher sales and lower long-term costs, against the high initial price.

Workforce shortage

challenges in metal fabrication

No matter the industry, sector, or specific role, there is a shortage of labor. It’s impacting technology, healthcare, transportation, retail, food service, and yes — metal fabrication. There simply aren’t enough CNC operators, machining specialists, and general laborers to meet industry demands. This has led to delays, shortages, missed orders, and an overall sluggishness to the industry as a whole.

To address this problem, people within the industry have made changes and launched new initiatives. One of the biggest efforts is to work with community colleges that can train and educate future metal workers. Community colleges, trade schools, and now high schools are also positioned to attract new operators, increasing the potential job pool.

This is, admittedly, a problem that has been ongoing for years, even decades, but that doesn’t mean it will just fade away. The effort to address workforce shortages must continue. Much like paying the energy bill, investing in the future workforce is now a fundamental part of doing business in the metal fabrication industry.

Adopting and training for technology

Technology is pervasive throughout every industry. In metal manufacturing, successful, competitive fabrication means integrating advanced technology and making it part of everyday operations. It’s no longer a luxury; technology is a must.

The specific technology varies, but it often starts with high-quality, thorough data that can be used to make better purchasing, fabrication, sales, and marketing decisions. Deep-learning AI programs, which integrate robotics into the system and can perform basic tasks like cutting and welding, will be useful for profitability. Even when they are produced in high volume, products fabricated by robots are precise and durable.

Automation will be used to drive efficiency and reduce costs. Companies need to quickly adopt this technology and train their staff to work with these complex yet time-saving machines.

Reduced efficiency, same demand

metal fabrication

Earlier, we discussed how customization is in demand, but customers also expect rapid efficiency. Unfortunately, there is an overall reduction in efficiency, caused by many of the factors we have already discussed, including workforce shortages, supply chain issues, and the need for technology training and adoption.

Customers have become accustomed to rapid delivery, but that is no longer the case. A report from The Logic Factory says that the average copper pipeline project has decreased in size by 30%. And yet, the time to market is 15% longer. Smaller orders, more time to complete. This is just one example of how production in metal fabrication and construction has become less efficient.

Demand for lightweight metals

The aerospace and automotive industries, two critical sectors for metal fabrication companies, are demanding more lightweight metals, including aluminum, titanium, and magnesium. These metals have become popular for modern transportation, aviation, and aerospace vehicles, thanks to their strength, durability, and lightweight profile.

This, too, is an ongoing problem. In 2009 there was a demand for roughly 18.7 billion tons of aluminum, according to the Aluminum Association. By 2018, this demand peaked at 28.1 billion tons. Although it dipped, it was still at 26.3 billion in 2021.

Finding material, bringing it into a facility, and meeting the demands of customers who meet lightweight metals, will continue to be an issue for metal fabricators at home and abroad.

Help for fabrication companies

Metal fabrication companies require the right tools, abrasives, adhesives, tapes, and more. Elevated provides a wide variety of readily available industrial supplies for trusted brands. We also offer coating and finishing as well as assembly tools. Plus, we have compressed air systems and services for companies in western Ohio, eastern Michigan, and South Carolina. But it’s more than just having a supply of superior products from trusted brands, Elevated has the expertise to help you meet your goals. We’re there to ensure you’re reducing overall costs, improving quality, increasing safety, and saving time.

Foam abrasives 101 from Uneeda

Foam-based abrasives – otherwise known as sanding sponges or sanding blocks – have become a popular option for various sanding applications – and they make up some of our most popular products. However, with all the options available, it can be tough to know which will best meet your needs.

In this article, you’ll learn about Uneeda’s foam sponges, their advantages, their differences, and the various technical aspects that could help you choose your ideal solution. Of course, there is no perfect, one-size-fits-all product, so at the end of the day, optimizing your sanding process comes from a balance of knowing the technical aspects of your project needs and the abrasives, as well as some amount of trial and error to find what works best for you.

Foam density

In general, foam abrasives are made from two densities – referring to the “heaviness”/firmness or flexibility/softness of the foam. The two options are soft density, also known as “open-cell”, and hard density, or “closed-cell”.

One isn’t better than the other, rather they are used for different applications.


Ekadiamond sponge

Soft-density foam, as you might guess, is more flexible and “squishy.” Open-cell foam will easily fold, flex, and bounce back with no issue or permanent change. This is beneficial when sanding profiles and intricate shapes, such as on crown moldings or contours on cabinet doors, as well as edge sanding. You can manipulate soft-density foam to match any curve or contour you might need to, as the lightness allows the foam to recede and mold to any shape. Soft cell sponges are also great for rounded objects, such as chair or table legs, railings, or newel posts, as they can be wrapped around the workpiece. One issue that sometimes occurs with some soft-density sponges is “grain shed” – in which some of the abrasive grain comes off of the sponge due to the malleability of the foam. This can cause excess grain to be left behind on your surface, while also affecting the longevity of the tool. However, Uneeda’s Ekadiamond sponges, specifically, have been shown to have minimal to no grain shed, making them a high-quality option for this type of sanding. Additionally, because open-cell foam is so soft when sanding by hand, you need to be careful to use even pressure with each finger, to get an even and consistent finish. 


Uneesponge, 1-inch

Hard-density foam is made of a thicker foam substrate, which generally isn’t nearly as flexible as open-cell products. Due to the nature of foam, all sponge products have some level of “give”, however, because closed-cell products are much less pliable, they are more suited for flat surfaces, such as inner panels or rails and styles on shaker doors, rather than curved surfaces or profiles. They do have some flex and as such, they can also be used for edge sanding. The denser foam will generally give a better cut rate since the grain will not recede into the foam nearly as much. It will also allow for a lighter cut than conventional abrasives (sanding sheets or discs), since the foam will absorb any pressure from your fingers or vibrations (from a sander). A closed-cell foam block will allow for a consistent finish, even in hand sanding applications, because it will be thick enough to avoid uneven pressure from different fingers/awkward hand positions.

Sanding style

Uneeda’s abrasive sponges are available for two main types of sanding – hand sanding and orbital sander sanding.

Because sponges will offer a softer finish and lower cut rate than regular sandpaper, these products are typically used in finishing applications, such as preparing a piece for stain or paint, or between layers of coating to improve adherence.

Hand sanding

Abrasive sponges are some of the most popular and effective tools for hand sanding (sanding without the use of an orbital or other power sander) applications. While sanding by hand can be tedious, sometimes it is just what is needed to get the best finish. This is especially true for pieces with complex profiles or carvings, which may be too delicate for a sander. In this case, a hand sponge or a sanding block with foam interface pad and traditional coated abrasives could be a great option to get the finish you want. Another benefit to sanding by hand is that it can be more cost-effective than owning and maintaining power sanders – which would be a benefit for lower-volume shops or hobbyists.

Orbital sander

In addition to hand sanding sponges, Uneeda offers various coated foam abrasives as well as foam accessories for the orbital sander. Using a power sander, like the Ekasand Electric or Pneumatic Orbital Sanders, with foam products is a great option to speed up the sanding process in high-volume shops that produce a lot of cabinet doors or other products with curved profiles. You’ll get smooth and consistent results as well as a great finish. Sometimes using an orbital sander can produce swirl marks, especially a 3×4 sander that doesn’t use a random orbit pattern. However, using a foam interface pad with a conventional disc or sheet abrasive, helps to reduce the vibration, allowing the sander to glide more smoothly across the work surface and minimizing the likelihood of swirls. When done correctly, using coated foam abrasives on a sander creates a better, more consistent finish. Plus, it’s much faster than hand sanding.

Uneeda’s foam abrasives

Uneeda offers a variety of sanding sponges for both types of sanding – by hand and using a sander.

AbrasiveDensitySandin style and advantages
Uneesponge HardHand sanding abrasive, ideal for flat surfaces and edges, especially for cleaning wood, metal, plaster, plastic, and fiberglass
EkadiamondSoft Hand sponge that’s colorful and creates a diamond pattern
Filmtek, EkastormSoft Hand sanding block that provides consistent pressure
Ekasilk PlusDepends on sizePower sander abrasive with various options, great for stripping, prepping, and finishing as well as for the distressed look
Interference PadsSoft Power sander abrasive block with hook and loop on both sides

Elevated sanding options

At Elevated Industrial Solutions, we have a variety of abrasives for every job. Uneeda has unique options, and the Ekasilk is admittedly one of our favorites, but we also carry other abrasives, including options from 3M, Arc, Mirka, Hermes, United Abrasives/Sait, Sia, and VSM. Let us help you get the right product for your sanding jobs.

We also go beyond abrasives and products. Our goal is to be the catalyst for your business to grow. We’ll help you look for efficiencies and to be more effective in your processes.

Comparing Alpha’s PSP-158 polisher to the competition

Alpha Professional Tools, one of the leading manufacturers of natural and engineered stone tools, proudly announced the release of its next-generation polisher: PSP-158 high-performance polisher. This polisher comes loaded with features that create superior results, better efficiencies, and a safer working environment. 

If you work with stone products, including countertop manufacturing or installation, check out the PSP-158 features and why it’s one of the most versatile, effective, reliable stone polishing tools to ever hit the market. 

About the PSP-158 High-Performance Polisher

The PSP-158 provides a high level of power and precision. This innovative polisher comes with numerous features and a variety of accessories that make using the tool convenient and efficient. Here are just a few of the features Alpha lists:

  • High-performance pneumatic polisher
  • Powerful motor
  • 30′ kink-free twin-air/water hose
  • All-weather hoses with flexibility down to -40°F or +140°F (-40°C or +60°C)
  • Quarter-turn switches for precise control
  • Central water-feed system to deliver ample water (regardless of position)
  • No-load RPM- 5,500
  • Comes in a reusable toolbox, great for carrying your equipment to jobs
  • Silicon gearhead to cushion and warm hands
  • One-year warranty; read more

Lightweight and flexible, potentially preventing silica dust

Alpha specializes in ergonomically designed, lightweight tools. Users love the cushion and hand warmer at the same time.  

Proper water distribution is critical when working with natural and artificial stone products, as it helps control dust and reduce exposure to harmful contaminants, including silica. With complete control of water, workers experience far less exposure to stone dust which can cause a variety of health issues. With the PSP-158, your team can maintain efficiency while thoroughly controlling dust to create a safe working environment. The tool uses a central feed system that delivers enough water to the workspace, even when the tool is being used in an awkward position. 

Alpha has included a variety of accessories that come with the polisher. Included in the package are all-weather hoses that maintain flexibility down to -40 and as high as 140 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Built to last

This tool is also built to last. Alpha has included a variety of features that help maintain the tool throughout its working lifetime. For example, the tool includes a 3.4 oz. bottle of rust inhibitor oil to prevent rust and costly repairs.

Powerful and saves you time

The PSP-158 has a spindle lock — a key feature that will save money by speeding up production. It enables fabricators and installers to spend more time polishing and less time looking for wrenches to change out their backers or core bits.


Our Colorado Alpha representative, Alexander Makin, used to be a fabricator. He swears that it’s “quieter than most polishers on the market.” Not only does it reduce noise pollution for your workforce, you can have a real conversation about four feet away. As most fabricators and installers know, that’s a big deal.

Comparing the PSP-158 to other polishers 

No handle design

The PSP-158 uses a no-handle design to create greater maneuverability and control for operators. This helps increase efficiency and makes the polishing tool useful in a variety of applications, including unique angles and workpieces with different shapes. Much of the competition uses C-handle or D-handle designs. 

Oil port for maintenance

The PSP-158 has an oil port for maintenance, while many similar tools do not. While products from Diamax have an auto-lube injection, similar products from Pearl, Gison, Flex, Weha, and Hercules do not. 

A long list of exclusive features 

This tool has many features not found in other products, as well as features that are rare for similar tools. For example, the PSP-158 has a quick connector with a valve, hose, and storage toolbox. Many comparable tools do not have these features or accessories.

Silicon gear head cover included

Another feature that enhances the quality of the PSP-158 is the silicon cover, which protects the gearhead and provides greater longevity. This is the only tool in its category of competitors that provides a silicon gearhead cover. 

toolbox and parts for the psp-158

All these features with same air pressure

Perhaps you assume that the RPMs would become slower for the PSP-158 at 90 PSI. This assumption is false! The tool maintains a no-load at 5,500 RPMs, with the same air pressure provided by comparable tools from Samurai, Flex, Weha, and all other tools in its class. 

Best horsepower

Compared to similar products, the Alpha PSP-158 provides the best horsepower. Other products, when the data is provided, are around .32 to .52 hp, while the Alpha PSP-158 high-performance polisher provides .7 hp.  

Lighter than many products

While the PSP-158 is not the lightest tool on the market, compared to similar products it’s lighter or only slightly heavier. The PSP-158 has a listed weight of 3.0 pounds. That means it’s easy to handle, even for those big polishing jobs. Many other products weigh as much as a full pound more than the PSP-158. 

A full-year warranty

When you spend hundreds of dollars on a single tool, you need to know that it will meet your expectations and last long enough to justify the price. Alpha is demonstrating unsurpassed confidence in the PSP-158 by providing a one-year warranty with certain limitations; read about those limitations. While Flex also provides a one-year warranty, and Weha provides a 360-day warranty, similar tools have warranties of only 90, 60, or 30 days.

Plus, Alpha has a repair facility where you can send your tools even after that year is over. 

What does the PSP-158 need to run efficiently?

You must have the right PSI and CFM to run this tool effectively. Air pressure is 90 PSI and the air consumption needed is 21 CFM. If you’re in SE Michigan, western Ohio, or South Carolina, our team can work with your facility manager to ensure you have the proper airflow.

Compare the PSP-158 to other polishers

See how the PSP-158 stacks up against the competition yourself: polishing-tool comparison chart. Watch out, it might just blow you away. 

Contact us about the PSP-158 or other countertop gear

At Elevated, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for everything you need to fabricate and install countertops and cabinets. Adhesives, caulks, polishing tools, and more — we have the solutions you need to work more efficiently and effectively.

What are hook and loop as well as reclosable fasteners?

Hook and loop fasteners as well as reclosable fasteners secure things. Haven’t heard of this technology? You probably have! You may know this fastener style by a brand name: Velcro. Like “Kleenex” many people confuse tissues and Kleenex. (Hand me a Kleenex!) In the same way, people also use Velco and hook and loop or reclosable fasteners interchangeably.

The history of Velcro

hook and loop fasteners

The Smithsonian indicates a Swiss engineer named George de Mastral was walking with his dog when he noticed burrs were stuck in his clothing and to his pup. Intrigued by how the burrs clung to fabrics and hair, he examined them under a microscope. To his surprise, they had tiny hooks that attached themselves to loops in the fabric of his clothes. Inspired, he thought they had practical uses in manufacturing and decided to create them himself.

After years of experimentation and development, de Mestral patented his invention in 1955, and called it “Velcro” (a combination of the French words for velvet and crochet). The Velcro fastening system quickly gained popularity and found a wide range of applications in various industries.

Since that time, other companies have created their own version of “Velcro.” However, the brand name is owned by Velcro IP Holdings LLC and trades as Velcro Companies, a privately held company in the UK.

Why are hook and loop as well as recloseable fasteners used?

According to 3M, one of the leading suppliers of this technology, hook and loop and reclosable fasteners are great for people who need closure to go on easily but securely, be conformable to your part shape, and stay closed until you’re ready for it to easily peel open. Here are just a few reasons people choose hook and loop fasteners for their projects.

  1. Ease to use. Hook and loop fasteners are simple to use. They consist of two components: tiny hooks and small loops. Pushing the two components together creates a secure and temporary bond, and pulling them apart releases it. This simplicity makes them accessible to people of all ages and abilities. It’s why they’re used on medical devices, such as leg braces.
  2. Reusability. Hook and loop fasteners are designed for multiple uses. They can be opened and closed repeatedly without impacting the effectiveness of the hold. This reusability makes them ideal for applications where you need to attach and detach items frequently.
  3. No other tools are required saving time and resources. Unlike traditional fasteners such as screws, nails, tapes, or adhesives, hook and loop fasteners don’t require hardware for installation. This saves time and eliminates the need for drilling holes or using adhesives that can damage surfaces.
  4. Versatility. Hook and loop fasteners are available in various sizes, strengths, and colors, making them versatile for different applications. Industries such as clothing, footwear, automotive, aerospace, and healthcare all use hook and loop.
  5. Safety. In some applications, particularly in child and medical products, hook and loop fasteners are preferred because they eliminate the risk of sharp edges or protruding parts. That reduces the likelihood of injuries and ensures children and medical products are safe.
  6. Temperature and chemical resistance. Depending on the specific type and brand, hook and loop fasteners can be resistant to various environmental factors, including temperature extremes and chemicals.

Who uses them?

Everyone. No doubt, you’ve used hook and loop or reclosable fasteners in your personal life. As noted above, many industries from aerospace to healthcare to textiles use hook-and-loop technology as well as recloseable fasteners. And they’re used on products from purses and shoes to transportation seating and signage.

Types and brands

There are varying types of hook and loop as well as recloseable fasteners from a number of suppliers. Here are just a few of our favorites by the trait.

For strength, 3M has Dual Lock (see right), which provides more strength than other brands. 3M uses “mushroom heads” for what they indicate is “5x the tensile strength of hook and loop fasteners.” It also mates to itself, so you don’t have to worry about which side you’re using for your project. Despite how well it holds, this technology can still be pulled apart without hardware. These come in a variety of colors and sizes.

3M also provides Scotchmate Hook and Loop, which is strong but can be sewn into textiles or uses adhesives to secure it to surfaces.

There are flame-resistant (with or without adhesive) options, including the SJ3419FR (Hook) and SJ3418FR (Loop). There are even high-performance choices that hold up under extreme conditions, such as SJ3572 (Hook) and SJ3571 (Loop).

For just about any need, there’s a fastener you can use!

Elevated can help with hook and loop fasteners

As with most projects, hook and loop fasteners may not be right for you. Of course, your project’s purpose and goals weigh into whether you use them and which type you use. Elevated carries a wide array to meet the needs of your project. We have industrial solutions specialists who can help you decide if it’s right for your company, and which brand and option to get.

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