Refurbished rentals and used air compressors

Elevated, formerly Palmetto Compressors and Compressed Air Technologies, has a wide variety of previously owned air compressors, blowers, dryers, vacuums, and pumps. All previously owned equipment is cleaned and comes with a guarantee.

Why used air compressors?

Sometimes, air compressor systems have unplanned downtime due to intense weather conditions, worn belts, over-heating, and other mechanical issues. Every minute counts to prevent wasted energy and production downtime. Elevated offers an extensive line of air compressors and equipment for rent and purchase to ensure you’re up and running and stay up and running.
kaeser compressor with tony
  • Save money
  • Get quality equipment, already serviced
  • Receive a warranty (depending on machine)
  • Get up and running right away, even as our team resolves your facility issue
  • Beat supply chain lead-time issues

Refurbished rentals

Elevated has a variety of gently-used rentals. Contact us to see what’s available. We can help you install the used air compressor and remove it when you’re done. We provide that extra service because we’re Elevated.

Used compressors and equipment for purchase

We have a range of used air compressors and other equipment available for purchase.

Service for used compressors

Before your used compressor is available for rental or purchase, we clean it, service it, and log the important information. That way, you know exactly what you’re getting. (Find out about the warranty on each compressor.) Plus, if you’re within our territory, you can count on us to help install it.
and expert advice
We have air compressor advice to save your company time, energy, and money.

    Contact us

    Ready for a partner that supports your business and employees? We’re eager to get started!