Ideas, resources, and information about industrial supplies, coating and finishing systems, assembly tools, and compressed air systems. At Elevated, we partner with businesses in just about every industry, providing guidance on expertise.
Interest rates vary by industry, lender, borrower, loan type, etc. However, almost all interest rates are affected by the Federal Reserve, which sets the rate that banks use to lend money to each other. This rate is known as the “fed fund rate,” …
So many industries require their workforce to be in hot spaces — inside and outside. During the summer months, work across the United States, especially in the South, can be brutal. Indoors, facilities can be sweatboxes. Outdoors, temperatures s…
Air may be colorless, but it’s not always odorless. Lingering smells — like fish odor at a processing plant or dirty diapers in a daycare facility — can han gin the air, impacting worker safety and productivity while repelling guests and future w…
It might be strange for an industrial distribution company to call out how aerospace companies can stay competitive. But there’s a reason it’s worth covering — industrial supplies, coating and finishing equipment, compressed air systems, and ass…
Although COVID has been around for a while, the world is still dealing with COVID-19. We have specifics on how we’re handling customers, employees, partners, and vendors. And because we sell industrial supplies, we also have options for customers…