SATA GmbH & Co. KG is a leader in the field of wet paint technologies. Their equipment and parts also includes cup systems and breathing protection systems. The company has a deep committment to sustainability and obtained 100% green electricity and district heating from neaby biogas plants. Employees are dedicated to working to increase sustainability to ensure future success.
Spray guns and filters to improve your spray consistency. At SATA, they have HVLP and RP options. HVLP paint spray guns achieve particularly high transfer rates with their low-pressure technology. RP spray guns stand for maximum working speed with optimized high-pressure technology and low overspray. Both variants can be used very flexibly, meet the highest demands on the painting result and clearly exceed the transfer rates of 65 % required by the VOC directive.
But SATA isn’t just known for spray guns. SATA is known for its breathing protection and filters, too.