April 10, 2023

Cannabis companies benefit from a good industrial supply partner

In Colorado, the marijuana industry has hit a few speed bumps. Cannabis growers, dispensaries, and those that manufacture CBD oil have seen consolidation, falling profits, and some efforts to legalize (such as in Colorado Springs) fail. But consolidation isn’t just happening in Colorado. Larger companies are looking to expand into states where recreational cannabis is relatively new – such as New Mexico and Montana.

In these high stakes, everyone needs a few advantages such as saving time, reducing costs, increasing productivity among your workforce, and improving products. A good industrial supply partner can be just the help you need to survive and thrive.

Products – quality and variety

cannabis industry

A good industrial supply partner can provide recommendations to cannabis companies on high-quality products and materials, such as packaging, protective apparel, and facilities supplies. Great industrial supply partners can even be a one-stop shop to improve convenience.

Better quality products that are readily available can help cannabis companies speed up their processes, improving productivity, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Cost savings

Due to volume, an industrial supply partner may be able to offer lower prices for products and materials. But it’s not one size fits all. They work with a variety of suppliers on different options. For packaging solutions, they can provide everything from “doob tubes” to bags. If your company is concerned about odor ordinances, your industrial supply partner should be able to assist with that, too. In fact, when it comes to safety, industrial suppliers can give you masks, respirators, and protective apparel (such as Tyvek suits).

Ideally, the more you buy, the less per item you pay. That volume discount makes a difference on your bottom line.

Timely delivery

Never run out of things again. A reliable industrial supply partner can ensure your company receives its supplies on time and in the quantities needed. That increases customer satisfaction and ensures you win the sale or make your product on time and on budget.


Your industrial supply partner should be working with enough cannabis companies to provide insights and advice even beyond products. This can include information on industry trends, best practices, and regulatory requirements.

Increased flexibility for your business

By outsourcing your supply chain to a reliable partner, your company can focus on core competencies, such as cultivation and product development. This enables you to adapt more quickly to industry changes and challenges. And in an industry like cannabis, it seems ever-fluid as laws continue to evolve and change and customer demands wax and wane on various products.

Elevated is your partner

Overall, a good industrial supply partner will listen to you, thoroughly understand your needs, and then make recommendations even beyond products. They can offer variety and quality as well as new processes while saving you money. In other words, your industrial supply partner should be looking for opportunities to make your business more efficient and effective.

That’s Elevated Industrial Solutions. We work with cannabis companies in many states, helping them receive a wide array of high-quality products at a reasonable rate.

Tami Matthews
Author: Tami Matthews
Tami Matthews is the Director of Marketing at Elevated Industrial Solutions. She’s spent 20+ years in marketing, focusing on writing, public relations, digital marketing, and content marketing. Before coming to Elevated in December 2020, she worked for a number of high-tech companies. Writing is one of her favorite pastimes. In her spare time, she volunteers for a number of causes including the Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy working on the PTO. She also hikes with her husband and begrudging daughter.
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